That’s OK
We understand you might not be quite ready to get support with tackling Wing Chun Shoulder Syndrome.
We know that if you continue with Wing Chun, you will suffer from WCSS at some point, so remember that we’re here for you when you’re ready.
Unfortunately though, we can’t guarantee that the price will remain this low when you need us. In which case, you may decide to take preventative measures now by taking the course now and keeping your shoulders strong.
Lee Glanville
● 20+ years experience in Wing Chun.
● Passed the 3rd level grading within UKWCKFA in 2021 (one of very few in the last 40 years).
● 20+ years helping others in pain.
● Accredited Chek Practitioner Level 4 ‘Clinical Specialist’
● Integrated Movement Science 4 (Chek Institute)
● Neuro-Orthopaedic Institute certifications: Explain Pain and Mobilisation of the Nervous
● HeartMath Certified Coach
● Biological Anthropology, B.Sc. (University of Kent)
● And many more.
Sifu Nick Martin
● 25+ years experience in Wing Chun.
● The youngest person in the UK to be recognised with the title of Sifu in the UK and China.
● The youngest person to be recognised as a Master in the UK and China.
● Fully-qualified and recognised in both Hong Kong and China.
● Senior Instructor at the UKWCKFA under the direction of renowned Master James Sinclair.
● Trains students and instructors across the world, inc. in Hong Kong, China, the US and India.
● A consultant in unarmed combat and teaches revolutionary self-defence at major organisations.
© Copyright 2023 by Wing Chun Dr. All Rights Reseved.
Lee has helped so many people who suffer from Wing Chun Shoulder Syndrome that he was given the affectionate nickname 'Wing Chun Dr'. When co-founding the business to help even more people with WCSS, it seemed natural to use his nickname. Lee holds numerous qualifications but is not a medical doctor. This course is not designed to treat any serious shoulder pathologies - always consult a medical professional if in pain or before starting a new exercise plan. This is only designed to help anyone with the typical muscle imbalance found within Wing Chun.
Pain is a complex topic. Please investigate the book 'Explain Pain' by Butler for a thorough understanding of pain neuroscience. If you have had pain for longer than 6 months and you haven't moved forward even after guided exercise, please consider psychosocial factors.
This course looks at pain primarily from a biological perspective (in this case, muscle balance) - please consider psychosocial aspects of pain also.
If you have been diagnosed with a compressive pathology in the cervical spine, then some of the exercises to rehabilitate the shoulder will be contraindicated.
This course is for anyone with Wing Chun Shoulder Syndrome or those who want to prevent it.
Trading Name: Wing Chun Dr. Registered Company No.: 13527110.
Registered Company Address: Ashlyns Farm, Epping Road, North Weald, Epping, Essex CM16 6RZ, UK